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Friday, 1 April 2011

MY EDIT: Lighting from Design Week at the Chelsea Harbour showrooms

Beautifully in sync with fashion's fruit fad...
Picture courtesy of Porta Romana

I came away very inspired by the recent London Design Week (which focusses on the swanky showrooms of Chelsea Harbour - places that primarily serve the interior design industry - plus a few in the King's Road area ). For the interiors geek, the showrooms are like treasure chests.  It's hard to summarise tens of thousands of products but I felt like a lot of the collections had really got a handle on trends that are happening elsewhere in the worlds of interiors, fashion, etc. For example, beautiful neutrals seemed to dominate, with lots of geometric patterns and textural hopsack weaves. I'm hoping to do an edit of the wallpapers and fabrics very soon, if I can make the time [NOW DONE - CLICK HERE], but here are my lighting highlights... I've always loved Porta Romana, their use of chunky blown glass and distressed metal evokes the Palm Springs Modern style. Meanwhile, by total contrast, Original BTC tend towards clean, simple classics in porcelain and metal. The common ground in both edits is brass, which follows on from my last post on the beautiful brass kitchen

Pictures courtesy of Porta Romana

Pictures courtesy of Original BTC