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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

The project that's been keeping me busy...

Picture copyright of Kate Jacobs

Over the last year, I've been working on this small project. And being an interiors nut, motherhood (even second - and final - time around) has sent me into nesting overdrive. To accommodate the thousands of tiny things that tiny people seem to need, I've been asking myself searching questions about the efficiency of every drawer and cupboard in the whole house, then re-organising everything from nursery to garden shed. I even found it necessary to renovate a massive dolls' house (don't ask), even as they were dragging me into hospital. So, although there's been no shortage of blog ideas buzzing around my head, there has been a distinct lack of time. Now that things are calmer,  I hope to start picking up the reins again. To quote Jack Torrance in The Shining, "Been away! Now I'm back."